Thursday, April 30, 2015

Types of Wall Rock Alteration

google_ad_client = "ca-pub-8222648741164160"; google_ad_slot = "3814564033"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; Types of Wall Rock Alteration Types of Wall Rock Alteration 1. Potassic alteration ØPotassic (or K-silicate) alteration...

The Herradura Gold Mine

La Herradura Gold Mine La Herradura Gold Mine . Location: Sonora, Puerto Penasco, Mexico (MX). Products: Gold. Owner: Fresnillo plc. Average ore grade in reserves: 0.80 g/t Gold Total Reserves: 1.5 Moz Gold Mine Life: 4.1 years MINING AND EXPLORATION...

Batu Hijau Copper, Gold Mine

Batu Hijau Gold Mine Batu Hijau Gold Mine Location: Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Products: Copper & Gold. Owner: P.T. Newmont Nusa Tenggara. Ore Type: Porphory Copper deposits. Reserves: the Batu Hijau included 2.77 million tonnes...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Boddington Gold Mine

Boddington Gold Mine Boddington Gold Mine Location: Boddington ,Western Australia.  Ore Type: Lode Deposits. Products: Gold. Secondary Copper. Owner: Newmont Mining. Reserves: By the end of 2011, proven ore reserves at Boddington were 20.3 million...

The Ranger Uranium Mine

The Ranger Uranium Mine The Ranger Uranium Mine Location: Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia. Products: Uranium. Owner: Energy Resources of Australia Limited. Deposit Type: Unconformity-related uranium deposits. Overview: In 1969...
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