Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Take care from handling This beautiful Rock !!!

03 Stibnite Stibnite is antimony sulfide, but it looks like silver. For that reason, the huge, shining metallic crystals of this unstable compound were once fashioned into magnificent eating utensils. But the sword shaped crystals bore the powers of death to those who...

Monday, June 29, 2015

The mineral from hell

04 Torbernite Torbernite from Margabal mine, Aveyron, Midi-Pyrenees, France. Torbernite is the mineral from hell. The prism shaped green crystals form as secondary deposits in granitic rocks, and are composed of uranium. Formed through a complex reaction between phosphorous,...

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Arsenopyrite can be dangerous !!!

05 Arsenopyrite Arsenopyrite is fool’s gold, but with a difference. One would not just be a fool to mistake it for gold. Equally foolish would be a decision to pick up this mineral on a hike at a quarry, and proceed to use your hands to put trail mix in your mouth. Arsenopyrite...

Friday, June 26, 2015

Spatial Interpolation

What is a spatial interpolation? Interpolation predicts values for cells in a raster from a limited number of sample data points. It can be used to predict unknown values for any geographic point data: elevation, rainfall, chemical concentrations, noise levels, and so...

Quantitative Mineral Resource Assessments

Policy makers, mineral exploration experts, and regional planners decide how public lands, which may contain undiscovered resources, should be used or whether to invest in exploration for minerals on a regular basis. Decisions are also made concerning mineral resource adequacy,...

Job Offers

Only if you are interested in working for international and Arab Companies in Mining and Oil in Middle East and Gulf Countries and Constructing in Dubai … Just upload your C.V and your cover latter Here ...

6- a Killer Rock everywhere in our home

06 Asbestos Asbestos is not a manmade product, but one of most terrifying minerals on the planet. Where other minerals act as toxins through their chemistry and sicken victims of accidental poisoning, Asbestos conducts full scale mechanical sabotage on the human lung.  Asbestos...

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Rank 7 of Deadly Rock

07 Galena Fluorite Galena Blanchard Mine NewMexico14cm Galena is the principle ore of lead, and forms glistening silver cubes with almost unnaturally perfect shapes. Although lead is normally extremely flexible, the sulfur content of galena makes it extraordinarily brittle...

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hutchinsonite - The Deadly Rock

Hutchinsonite - Segen Gottes Mine, Wiesloch, Baden, Germany 08 Hutchinsonite Thallium is the dark twin of lead. This thick, greasy metal is similar in atomic mass but even more deadly. Thallium is a rare metal that appears in highly toxic compounds consisting...

Agnew Open Pit & Underground Gold Mine

Location: Agnew, Western Australia. Products: Gold. Owner: Gold Fields Limited. Mineral Resources at 3.5 Moz. Mineral Reserves at 1.2 Moz. Life of Mine extends to 2019 (7 years). Licence status and holdings The agnew gold mining company proprietary limited...

Why Spatial Analysis

Spatial analysis is how we understand our world—mapping where things are, how they relate, what it all means, and what actions to take. From computational analysis of geographic patterns to finding optimum routes, site selection, and advanced predictive modeling, spatial...
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