Saturday, December 5, 2015

3D Map Generator – GEO

Available for PC and MAC as Plugin for
Photoshop CC (from v 14.2)

The 3D Map Generator – GEO“ is especially created for illustrating complex geographical 3D maps. In opposite to the current „3D Map Generator 2“ the new „3D Map Generator – GEO“ can be used to create big 3D maps in smaller map scales. With a few clicks it is possible to generate isometric 3D maps in 3 different orientations with heights and depths in the terrain. As basic shapes there can be used text layers, vector shapes, Smart Objects or one of 52 vector country shapes. For designing the map there are different new tools, textures, effects, brushes and 37 icons and elements available. The generated 3D maps can be edited and redesigned for unlimited times. No layers will be flattened. Of course it is also possible to put own textures onto the surface and to use own brushes, effects, icons or other elements.


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