Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Applied Mining Geology

🚩☛ Presents a comprehensive summary of mining geology procedures from data collection, quality assurance to their utilization in resource/reserve models, and implementation in mine production plans, which can be used as guidelines by mining industry specialists
🚩☛ Covers a good mix of theory and practice of interest to a wide range of specialists, students, lecturers, researchers and experienced geologists
🚩☛ Includes numerous case studies containing rich resources of unpublished data which can be used as a reference by specialists optimizing the mining geology procedures
🚩☛ Provides computer scripts attached as Electronic Supplementary Material to facilitate learning and utilization
☛Mining Methods
☛Mine Mapping
☛Drilling Techniques and Drill Holes Logging
☛Sampling of the Mine Workings
☛Geotechnical Logging and Mapping
☛Dry Bulk Density (DBD) of Rocks
☛Data Points Location (Surveying)
☛Introduction to the Theory of Sampling
☛Quality Control and Assurance (QAQC)
☛Twin Hole
☛Data Preparation
☛Geological Constraints of Mineralisation
☛Exploratory Data Analysis
☛Resource Estimation Methods
☛Introduction to Geostatistics
☛Methods of the Linear Geostatistics (Kriging)
☛Multivariate Geostatistics
☛Multiple Indicator Kriging
☛Estimation of the Recoverable Resources
☛Model Review and Validation
☛Reconciliation with New Data
☛Grade Uncertainty
☛Quantitative Geological Models
☛Principles of Classification
☛Methodology of the Mineral Resource Classification
☛Conversion Resources to Reserves
☛Balance Between Quantity and Quality of Samples
☛Lode Gold Deposits
☛Uranium Deposits (In-Situ Leach Projects)
☛Iron-Oxide Deposits
☛Bauxite Deposits
☛Mineral Sands


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