Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Pearls are the most valuable of all organic gemstones, and have been prized for 6000 years. Pearls chemical makeup varies by region and environmental factors, but the basic formula is CaCO3. Pearls form through irritants entering specific species of mollusks (oysters,...

Saturday, December 5, 2015

3D Map Generator – GEO

Available for PC and MAC as Plugin for Photoshop CC (from v 14.2) The 3D Map Generator – GEO“ is especially created for illustrating complex geographical 3D maps. In opposite to the current „3D Map Generator 2“ the new „3D Map Generator – GEO“ can be used to create...

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Argentina Mountains


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Kidwellite - Coon Creek Mine, Arkansas


Monday, November 23, 2015

Aurichalcite with Calcite E Vs Blue Opal

AURICHALCITE with CACLITE Southwest Mine, Bisbee, Warren District, Mule Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona, USA Blue Opal...

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Resolution Enhancement

03Surface Interpolation This exercise will guide you through a Method to generate a New finer resolution of a DEM.  1. Add the dem grid to ArcMap. Check if the grid has a 30 meter cell size and a UTM projection. 2. Enable Spatial Analyst...

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Black Opal & Sparkling Druzy Agate


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Mexican Fire Opal


Rainbow Druzy Agate


Opal in Ironstone, Queensland, Australia.

Opal in Ironstone, Queensland, Australia. ...

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The surface geology of Africa

The map shows the lithological properties of the surface geology of Africa. Lithology describes the mineral composition and structure of geological material which is based on rock formation (i.e. whether it is igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic) and mineralogy (e.g. carbonate, silicic,...

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Breakup of Pangaea

Pangaea (sometimes spelled Pangea), the most recent of a series of supercontinents on Earth, formed about 270 million years ago and broke apart about 200 million years ago. At this time most of the dry land on Earth was joined into one huge landmass that covered nearly a...

opalized fossils


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Precious Opal with an "eye" effect

07 Precious Opal with an "eye" effect Description:Recently, the Wello (Wollo) locality in Ethiopia has produced some exceptional precious Opal specimens and gemstones. The highly desirable "Contra Luz" play of color and large "harlequin" patterning that can be seen in...

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Egyptian Mining Tenders 2016 for several sites of different Metal and non-metal Ore deposits.(Exploration and Exploitation)

For Small and large scale mining and investments in Egypt. (Eastern desert and Sinai). For more Information and Contact.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Opal with dendrite

01 Opal with dendrite ...

Monday, July 27, 2015

Extraction of land-surface parameters and objects from DEMs

Extraction of land-surface parameters and objects from DEMs Edited by TOMISLAV HENGL Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics University of Amsterdam Amsterdam, The Netherlands . HANNES I. REUTER Institute for Environment and Sustainability DG Joint...

Saturday, July 25, 2015

petrified wood ...

Petrified wood found only in a specific area of's called -yellow cat Petrified Wood Specimen (petrified Conifer wood slab)  Arizona petrified wood ... Zimbabwe ...

Extracting some Geomorphological features from Aerial photograph Vs LIDAR DTM

"The effectiveness of high-resolution topography (0.5 m DTM) derived by LIDAR data in the recognition of geomorphological features in the mountainous landscapes (slides courtesy of Paolo Tarolli)". About Author  These are slides of a well known...

Friday, July 24, 2015

Determine your imagery to use!!!

After you clearly understood the problem that needs to be solved, you need to determine or choose the right imagery to be obtained for extracting the information we need. There a large number of data types are available to suit various needs. As Examples 1. If we are...

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Moroccan Ammonite

Moroccan Ammonite with a calcite replacement of its cellular structure and inlaid sections of synthetic Op...

“Halley’s Comet” Opal

The 2000 carat “Halley’s Comet” Opal - Listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest uncut Black Opal nodule. Found at Lightning Ridge, Australia in 19...

Phantom Quartz


Monday, July 20, 2015

Amazing Flourite

12 Fluorita rainbow - South Africa ...

Tiffany Opal Necklace with Demantoid Garnet Accents

Tiffany Opal Necklace with Demantoid Garnet Accents, Janet Annenberg Hooker Hall of Geology, Gems, and Minerals This necklace by Louis Comfort Tiffany sports a black opal from Australia’s Lightning Ridge, along with demantoid garnet accents from Russi...

Twin Galaxy Stones

11 Black Opal  Twin Galaxy Stones - A stunning pair of nearly identical Lightning Ridge Black Opals. These rare stone are both more valuable than diamonds. Source Here...

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Amazing Boulder Opal

10 Boulder Opal - Jundah, Queensland, Australia ...

The stone of spiritual enlightenment

09 Seraphinite  Seraphinite is a stone of spiritual enlightenment said to be among the most important stones discovered for connecting and communicating with higher energies. It facilitates conscious awareness on many higher planes, is excellent for accessing self-healing, promotes...

Friday, July 17, 2015

Scheherazade's Palace ring

03 Gold and silver Scheherazade's Palace ring featuring diamonds, mosaic with turquoise tesserae and a blue tourmaline with an inversely engraved intaglio. By Rachel Garrahan in New York Scheherazade, the legendary Persian queen, was famed for her storytelling prowess....
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